calcium oxalate dihydrate造句

"calcium oxalate dihydrate"是什么意思   


  1. As the reaction time and standing time increase , the percentage of calcium oxalate trihydrate ( cot ) decreases and the percentage of the thermodynamic stable calcium oxalate monohydrate ( com ) increases . the metastable calcium oxalate dihydrate ( cod ) is not observed
    随着反应时间和陈化时间的增加,三水草酸钙( cot )直接转化为稳定态的一水草酸钙( com ) ,而没有经过亚稳态的二水草酸钙( cod ) 。
  2. It's difficult to find calcium oxalate dihydrate in a sentence. 用calcium oxalate dihydrate造句挺难的


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  10. "calcium pangamate"造句

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